Futuristic Sci-Fi Drama. In a not too distant future, ever evolving technology has molded the lives of a colony of futuristic settlers, and brings them new threats and chalenges. Created, written & drawn by Ian Sharpley.
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A Synthetic Life 24: Annihilate
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A Synthetic Life 24: Protection Mode
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A Synthetic Life 22: Think on your feet
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A Synthetic Life 21: Zoom!
New to this comic or need to catch up? You can read full previous seasons on the Synthetic Life feature page right here.
A Synthetic Life 20: Got that covered
New to this comic or need to catch up? You can read full previous seasons on the Synthetic Life feature page right here.
A Synthetic Life 19: All Into Focus
New to this comic or need to catch up? You can read full previous seasons on the Synthetic Life feature page right here.
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