Fantasy & Magic. Brother Maynard is a cyborg priest, Rugnar Grimm is an electric dwarf; together they have been sent to the under dark to investigate a dimensional gate and the hell that is leaking from it. Created, written & drawn by Barry Linck.
About Barry Linck:
Barry Linck has been producing and publishing comic books for well over 2 decades. As writer, artist and creator, he has continued to produce his fan favorite ‘Phineus: Magician for Hire’ now in it’s his 24th year!
Latest 7×7 Patron Updates
Bonus: Maynard & Grimm Original Story
Creator Barry Linck dug into the archives to present our patreon members with an original Maynard & Grimm story published in 2006 in the pages of Phineus: Magician for Hire. Also check out the original character bios. New to Maynard & Grimm or need to catch...
Video: Hard Lemonade S1 PG6 Coloring & Pencils Here's Shawn Atkin's process video for coloring his comic, and here's the high resolution pencils of Season 1, Page 6 of Hard Lemondade.
Member Update! New Site & More!
Big news for season 3 of 7x7! If you're here, well then you see we have a whole new website!!! I wanted to give a run down on what's changing and what you can expect as supporting members. New comics are locked and loaded for Monday January 27th launch! We're ditching...