A Sci-Fi Action Adventure Comic Strip. – Mysterious powers are at work protecting us from threats across the 31 dimensions… This is Secret Forces. An occult league of characters have taken the oath to protect our world from the forces of evil… but is it too late?
About D.J. Coffman: I’m a professional cartoonist with several published works. I guess best known in the comics world for my “Hero By Night” series that won the 2006 Comic Book Challenge and gave me a quick 15 minutes of fame.
I founded 7×7 Comics in 2019 as an excuse to work with local creators I admire in the Pittsburgh area and beyond.
Latest Secret Forces Updates
Secret Forces 29: The bigger puzzle
Secret Forces 28: A warning of some kind
Secret Forces 27: Nothing but trouble
Catch up with Secret Forces Zombieopolis here. Read other Secret Forces Adventures at Webtoon here.
Secret Forces 26: This is going to change history
Catch up with Secret Forces Zombieopolis here. Read other Secret Forces Adventures at Webtoon here.
Secret Forces 25: Adventure in the woods
This season, colorist Jason Embury has jumped onboard with the coloring. He and I did a lot of work together on Hero By Night series back from 2006-2008, and then we dipped back in for a little bit in 2012. He recently reached out asking me if I would want to work on...
Season 3 Secret Forces: Zombieopolis
Many secrets were revealed in Season 3 of Secret Forces: Zombieopolis. Need to catch up? You can read full previous seasons and more on the Secret Forces feature page.
Latest 7×7 Patron Updates
Hard Lemonade SketchBook #1
Creator Shawn Atkins takes us behind the scenes with some of his beautiful concept sketches and character designs for his HARD LEMONADE comic series.
Secret Forces Newspaper Comics
In 2018 Secret Forces began running an exclusive storyline in the Pittsburgh Current weekly newspaper. At this point in Secret Forces life, I was experimenting with the format. I had the long scroll down comics on Webtoon, and the paper storyline was a sidebar story and set of characters that would all come together in time.